Baby It’ s Cold Outside


We’ve finally had snow, like most of the Midwest, but nothing like the east coast. Holy crap Pennsylvania,  Five Feet of Snow!?! If you don’t have a snow blower, we’ll see you in April.
Today’s post is about the view.
2016-12-12 19.29.25
This is the winter view from the windows in our family room.
This is the same bush in the Spring. It’s a Viburnum with white flowers in the early summer, lush foliage in the summer, and in the winter, plenty of branches to hold the beautiful snow and the occasional bird or two.
The end of the year post-holiday slow down heading into the middle of winter, is a perfect time to really notice the views of your garden, front and back.  You want something interesting to look at all year round from the inside too.  Can you see your perennials peaking through the snow? Do you have winter color from Redtwig Dogwoods? Boxwoods  where the sparrows can warm their bones?


A garden should provide you with joy all year round. When leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the beauty is different.  The winter garden is not a riot of color competing for your attention, but if well planned will have shape, texture, and some color besides brown or white. The simplicity of the winter garden can be a peaceful beauty, that requires no tending, just enjoyment.
Take some time to notice your yards, gardens, from inside and out.   When you can, take a walk and notice what looks nice to you in the middle of the winter.  It could be a Blue Spruce dusted with snow, a Hydrangea bush with the flowers left on, a Viburnum with it’s berries still on the branches, or big showy perennial grasses that really rock in a snow fall.  Take a picture with your phone and take that with you when you’re shopping for the garden in the Spring. You will be really happy you did this homework come next winter. Especially if you’re stuck outside snow-blowing and shoveling for hours, or days like the East Coast. You’ll want something to look at besides snow.
Snow outside home in Erie, PA - Instagram photo: lkbdesign
Eerie Pennsylvania.  OMG!

All kidding aside, I hope everyone is safe and tucked warmly inside with their loved ones. Maybe try the brownie recipe from the last post if you’re bored 🙂